Soften your heart

God can soften your heart of stone | Jesus is my Everything

Love is the greatest of all virtues and gifts (I Corinthians 13:13). The bible reminds us that you could have the greatest talents but if your don’t have love, the talents mean nothing. You can have faith that moves mountains and all the hope in the world but if you don’t have love, it means nothing. Today, I am greatly challenged to let go of all the hurt, disappointment and bitterness and to love all who have disappointed and hurt me.

It is amazing how we have been created to love even those who repeatedly hurt and disappoint us. I am speaking from experience. I truly believe that what God has joined becomes one. No matter how much a spouse hurts you, deep down in your heart you may still have mad love for them. We all make mistakes, whether we learn from them is up to an individual. Infidelity does not have to break a marriage if you are both willing to work at it. God does not want you to give up on your marriage. His design for marriage is until death do you part. He doesn’t like divorce. We divorce because we harden our hearts and refuse to forgive, refuse to be humiliated and because of our pride. Softening of the heart requires humility and the grace of God. We naturally want to put up walls to protect our hearts from pain. Nobody wants to feel rejected and taken advantage of. It hurts really bad and feels like the ultimate betrayal.

The big question is, are you willing to let God take control of your life fully? Are you willing to do as God wants us to do, to love one another, to bear each others weaknesses, to forgive even when you feel the ultimate betrayal has happened? It is not easy but if you let God, he heals the broken hearts, he reconciles what seems impossible and he avenges on your behalf. Do not conform to the pattern of the world, the world vouches for divorce when things are not working but be transformed and renew your mind on what is holy and pleasing to God. (Romans 12: 2) God does like divorce, don’t give in to the pressures around you. Hang in there. Seek God and ask Him for renewed love for your spouse.

I have been listening to the audio book of Stormie Omartian’s ‘ Power of a Praying Wife’ There is also a free pdf ebook. It has really been a  blessing and has made me look at my marriage from a different perspective. I hope it will bless you too if this blog is relevant to you. You did not read this by mistake. God is talking to you.

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I am a beautiful woman who loves God. I love to read books and write. My mission on this earth is to discover my gifts and purpose, and to do all God wants me to do before returning to my true home.

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